Should I engage an agency for my marketing or do it myself?

Should I engage an agency for my marketing or do it myself?

You may have some issues on your mind you right now, such as:

1) Your marketing team does not produce the results you expect

2) Your marketing personnel keep leaving the company due to `better offers’

3) Your marketing cost is too high, resulting in lower profit margins

4) You are frustrated working with too many different freelancers and people in the marketing medium

5) You have a well-strategized marketing plan that is unfortunately, poorly executed due to `interference’ from day-to-day business activities

More often than not, your marketing people are too close to the company, the products, the brand, distribution and competitor.

The only people you should be focusing on should be your prospective customers, when you are trying to market your products/services.

Most of these things don’t really matter because the essence of marketing is getting inside the mind of consumers. Good agency people look at the brand the way the consumer looks at the brand; not the way the company looks at the brand.

The pros & cons of hiring an agency

Pros and Cons of Advrtising Agency


Think in these contexts before deciding whether working with an agency or do-it-yourself. 


Strategic Planning

Professionally trained people will be required for strategic and comprehensive marketing plan to be done. Planning your campaign and identifying the framework for implementing the most powerful promotional campaign for your company is crucial in accelerating your progress and achieving the results that you are aiming for. This requires a professional marketing team that has intensive knowledge of the integrated marketing process that can facilitate the entire campaign…. and this won’t be easy to find. Of course, you do not need to engage an agency if you do found the team!

expertise and skills

Expertise / Skills

Most award winning professional designers and creative directors prefer to work in agencies where they can cultivate the culture and be inspired by each other in the same industry.

Technology is changing very fast and your website developer has to stay in-touch with the latest inventions and software.

Training and development to all staffs related to marketing and sales function has to be done concurrently with the actions of planning and devising a marketing plan.

Do you have a proper marketing automation system that helps you fully bring in leads and nurture them?

Do you have a customer retention program in place to keep and retain customers?

An agency will be able to tell you what works, and what doesn’t work. Justified with reasoning behind each action they perform. No more guess works and trying blindly.

Is your marketing manager a multi-tasker?

She might be designing your website landing pages, creating call-to-action graphics, writing your company blogs, posting news and updates on social media, collaborating with newspapers, magazines and other media owners on day-to-day basis. Not to mention web developers working on codings and e-commerce websites.

Congratulations if you have found such manager and beware that this person might be head-hunted by your competitors in the future. Relying on one person as such puts your company at risk.

It’s actually more cost – effective to partner with an agency and let a team of experienced professionals build and maintain your brand with you. Their experience and expertise coupled with your knowledge of the industry is a recipe for both a quicker and more sizeable return on investment.


Allocation of Time and Resources

Lets count the…

  • Number of marketing executives you have
  • Number of in-house content creators, designers and copywriters you have
  • Number of social media specialist you have
  • Number of Website Developer you have

Lets check how much growth are you expecting the company to generate in the next 12 months down the road:


I want my company revenue growth to be 10 – 12% in the next 12 months

I wish to grow my market share by 2-3% in the next 12 months

I have limited budget for marketing, advertising and branding, yet I know the importance of these activities for my long term goals and wish to start now



I want my company revenue growth to be 15 – 25% in the next 12 months

I wish to grow my market share by 5-6% in the next 12 months

I have allocated some resources and systems in place that facilitate the process



I expect my company to grow exponentially (over 25%) in the next 12 months

I wish to grow my market share by 8 – 9% in the next 12 months

I have been in the market for quite some time and I am aiming bigger I have enough resources, people and systems in place to achieve my goals


By identifying which type of business goals you are setting, you get to know how much resources are you required to achieve your business goals.

You will need an expert to be able to convert your business goals into marketing goals. Daily tasks such as content creation, designing, blogging, social media marketing, answering and responding to feedbacks from prospects will need to be assigned and done by your marketing and sales team.

If you are a lone-ranger, you will definitely need to find great partners that can help you work on the full integrated marketing efforts. If you have an aggressive business goals, yet don’t currently having the time or resources to perform a daily task list like those mentioned above, you’re a prime candidate to consider partnering with marketing / branding / advertising agencies.

We see ourselves as your strategic branding partner, providing you with the essential marketing tools and insights that ensure your brand’s longevity, no matter the economic conditions that may come.

So contact us today for an obligation-free consultation at 03-9221 3388 (ask for Mickie, Shirly or Bernard), or drop us an email at or visit /

Find Out What does the Leaf Beauty Tells You About Branding

Find Out What does the Leaf Beauty Tells You About Branding

Creativity is like the green hues of a plant, full of variety and tone.

Your brand, meanwhile, is like the plant’s branches, growing and expanding with the aid of sunshine.

And yes, just like a plant, your brand needs to be protected and nurtured if it’s to grow healthily.

Branding - Green Man


What do you like about this photo? Tell us more!

If you like the photo, contact us today for an obligation-free consultation at 03-9221 3388 (ask for Mickie, Shirly or Bernard), or drop us an email at or visit /


Do You Know that Quality drives Brand Loyalty?

Do You Know that Quality drives Brand Loyalty?

What makes you loyal to a brand?

80% – Quality

72% – Customer Service

50% – Price

45% – Convenience

15% – Commitment to Social Responsibility

What Makes You Loyal to a Brand

What can SMEs and SMIs do to increase brand loyalty?

  • Quality products are a must, and customer testimonials play an important role in communicating your brand’s quality.
  • Stay engaged – Treat your customers like family members. Show them love. Give them gifts. Motivate them. Give more, and you’ll receive more.
  • Offer Value for Money (VFM) – Understand that each dollar your customers spend comes from their hard work and efforts. Let them know that you care. Let them know how your products/ services are worth what they’re paying for.
  • Make things simple and easy-to-use, from Registration to Product Delivery.
  • Give back to society – There’s a catchphrase for it: Corporate Social Responsibility. Create partnerships with various NGOs in the community.

We see ourselves as your strategic branding partner, providing you with the essential marketing tools and insights that ensure your brand’s longevity, no matter the economic conditions that may come.

So contact us today for an obligation-free consultation at 03-9221 3388 (ask for Mickie, Shirly or Bernard), or drop us an email at or visit /


The Psychology of Fonts – What font to use for your websites and why

The Psychology of Fonts – What font to use for your websites and why

Here’s what a designer does, when creating a logo for you.

The Psychology of Fonts

One element of the logo design is typography (i.e. the shape of the words).

You will find that most MNCs have a brand manual that dictates the font type, font sizes etc. that should be used vis-à-vis their brand.


So if you have not gotten one, it’s time to do so!


Find out how LINs.AD can help you generate a corporate identity that may be used in tandem with all of your marketing materials.

We see ourselves as your strategic branding partner, providing you with the essential marketing tools and insights that ensure your brand’s longevity, no matter the economic conditions that may come.

So contact us today for an obligation-free consultation at 03-9221 3388 (ask for Mickie, Shirly or Bernard), or drop us an email at or visit /

Business Transition – What business phase are you in?

Business Transition – What business phase are you in?

Business Transition

What business phase are you in?

Seed: Business is a Concept. Focus on creating a viable model and financing.

Failure rate: 99%


Start-up: Focus on establishing a customer base and proving business model

Failure rate: 99%


Early growth: Focus on infrastructure, talent acquisition, steady growth and profitability

Failure rate: 80%


High growth: Aggressive growth goals, potentially through expansion, partnerships, mergers and acquisitions

Failure rate: 60%


Mature: Focus on customer retention with conservative to moderate growth goals

Failure rate: 40%


Declining: Struggling to retain existing customer base or attract new leads

Failure rate: 70%


Do you want to move from one phase to another?

Think Brand Strategy.


Do you want to keep your business in the High Growth phase for a longer period of time?

Think Brand Experience.


Do you want to prevent your business from entering the declining phase?

Think Re-Branding.


Contact us today for an obligation-free consultation at 03-9221 3388 (ask for Mickie, Shirly or Bernard), or drop us an email at or visit /

“Customers First”: An Act Neglected by Most Marketing Execs

“Customers First”: An Act Neglected by Most Marketing Execs

Your Marketing Executives are busy liaising with media partners, arranging for interviews, creating artworks, generating blog posts, scheduling social media posts on Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn. Nobody seems to like interacting with customers, asking them what kind of information they are interested in seeing, as only “one-way” communication happens.

Why Don't They Like Me?

Do you know that your fans are more concerned about Deals, Promotions and Rewards, not Information and Knowledge?

The main reason why a person “unlike”s your page is you are interrupting their life as the information that you post are irrelevant to them.

So produce meaningful insights for your fans, if not they will find someone else who will.

We hope you find the posts on this page useful and relevant to you. Feel free to contact us so that we can generate better insights for you.


Find out more about LINs.AD at!

Contact us today for an obligation-free consultation at +603-9221 3388 (ask for Mickie, Shirly or Bernard), or drop us an email at or visit /


Are you prepared to fight your way into your customers’ hearts?

Are you prepared to fight your way into your customers’ hearts?

Your customers are now being constantly bombarded by info on the internet, TVs, Radios, Newspapers and Magazines. And more are getting influenced by the ads powered by brands. Are you one of them?

Your customers are also smart enough to “unsubscribe” your emails/newsletters, delete your text messages, “unfollow” your page and more.

The risk of losing customers is hence on the rise.

Communicating your brand message into your customers’ hearts is just like showing your special someone that you love them very much. It takes time, effort and most importantly communication.


We at LINs.AD specialize in helping brands communicate their message in a thousand ways, making sure that your customers continue falling in love with your brand, not your competitors.


Find out how to make your customers fall in love with you!

Contact +603-92213388 for an obligation-free consultation with Mickie/Shirly/Bernard.





Are you a brand advocate? Does your brand have brand advocates?

Are you a brand advocate? Does your brand have brand advocates?

The value of having brand advocates is priceless. Imagine having people spreading information about their personal experience of your brand on a weekly basis!

Brand Advocates

There are 7 types of brand advocates you need to know about:

  • The Titanic Tweeter
  • The Passionate Pilgrim
  • The Heroic Hipster
  • The Megaphone Millionaire
  • The Giving Guru
  • The Curious Curator
  • The Noiseless Ninja


Brand advocates are:

  • 5X more valuable than average customers
  • Spend at least 2X as much as average customers
  • Spend 3X as much as average customers over their lifetime of their relationship with a company or brand
  • Reach 150 people in social media every time they advocate a product or service
  • 92% of consumers trust brand advocates

Read more:


To gain brand advocates you will need branded contents.

All your brand’s contents have to be in line with your corporate brand, business objectives and marketing objectives. At LINs.AD, we have helped thousands of brands develop branded contents and events over the last 25 years.


Find out more at!

Contact us for an obligation-free consultation at 03-9221 3388 (ask for Mickie, Shirly or Bernard), or email

Pepsi evolved over time. What about you?



How your logo evolves (or doesn’t) has the potential to make or break your brand.

Consider the case of “Pepsico”. The evolution of the “Pepsi” logo over the decades was strategically executed to enhance the company’s brand value, and also maintain its connection with customers.

Despite a permit from the company to use its logo costing US$1 million upfront, many continue to vie in featuring this logo, due to the company’s solid brand reputation.

So, under what circumstances should a brand owner consider tweaking or even changing the brand’s logo?

1. When the current logo isn’t relevant anymore vis-à-vis the modern media. Cross-channel and integrated media network distribution play important roles in this information age. Consumers get confused when they see different logos of different sizes on different platforms! If you happen to have this concern, it’s time to consider standardizing – and changing – your logo.

2. Your business has evolved over the years, but you’re still using the same logo! Your existing logo might not resemble your business’s nature, anymore.

3. Your competitors have a better, more applicable or more interesting logo than you do. A cleaner, more professional look may just be what you need.

4. Your logo is too complicated – having too many unnecessary lines or effects! Take a look at the world’s top brands’ logos. Clean, clear designs are the ones that usually withstand the test of time.

5. You’ve been using a DIY logo since your start-up days. Your design may well be outdated, or your business may have transformed significantly since then.


A skilfully-designed logo is one that resonates and connects with people from all walks, ages, languages, culture and nationalities of life.

But how would you evaluate whether your brand’s logo is doing what it should?

The best way to know is to talk to pros who have been working on brand logos for more than 20 years. Only a professional agency, powered by professional designers would be able to allay any doubts you have, and help you realign your thoughts on your brand.

Let us be your strategic branding partner, providing you with the essential marketing tools and insights that ensure your brand’s longevity – no matter the economic conditions that may come.

Contact us today for an obligation-free consultation at 03-9221 3388 (ask for Mickie, Shirly or Bernard), or drop us an email at or visit /!